Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Waiting for the school bus

Today I needed to pick the grandkids up for the schoolbus stop. There was a substitute driver who was following the kid's directions rather than his map and he was half an hour late. While I was sitting in the car waiting a friend drove by and stopped and we had a nice visit. Once I got the kids we had to rush off to the High School where the little wrestlers got to run into the gym ahead of the High School wrestlers. There were so many little wrestlers running around I had a hard time picking out my 2 grandsons. Its been a while since I've been to a meet and I sure enjoyed it.

My #2 son was a wrestler. My camera at the time could only take 63 seconds of video so I told him he had to pin his opponent in less than 63 seconds. He usually did!

It was a good day today.

Monday, February 8, 2010

There didn't seem to be too much fallen snow until I looked back at my tracks- my snowshoe tracks.
My little dog had to hop from one track to the next to come with me on my walk. Then I went 'shopping' at my shed to see what sort of fabric I could find hibernating. I brought in a grab bag of colorful fabric and my button tin. I was really hoping to find yarn to match what I'm currently using for a little sweater for one of my grandsons. We'll see what I can dig up next time.

A glance at my cutter (horse sleigh) made me sad. It was full of snow as the tarp had blown off. I think I'll wait until spring and take my little mare out for a drive in the cart.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowy day

This is my first blog. I'll jot a few of my thoughts and insert some pictures that interest me.

Today the snow is drifting down from the sky dusting the horse's backs with white. They don't seem to mind. They just stand in the pasture digging for grass while a large round bale of hay waits for them when they get la