Sunday, July 11, 2010

All the Grandkids!

Over the 4th of July weekend my grandkids were all in one state! We had a good time watching the Deb's parade where one granddaughter rode her horse and the rest of the g-kids collected candy!

Then on July 5th we spent the afternoon at Itasca State Park wading, swimming and enjoying ourselves in the Headwaters of the Mississippi. The Kid, my youngest grandson got to dangle his feet in the mighty river and his cousin 3 1/2 months older tried to squirm out of his mother's hands to splash his feet in the river. The Busy Bee loves the water!

The 4 older kids had a great time swimming around and Ferb tried to dam up the river. It's still running down to the gulf, so no worries.

My oldest daughter and her husband walked across for old time's sake since not that many years ago they walked across the river in their wedding finery.

The cousins enjoyed themselves and I even got a picture of them all with me. It was hard to drag ourselves away to go home and eat some delicious hamburgers, potato salad, watermelon, and birthday cake for 3!

I sure am grateful for my family.