Saturday, April 24, 2010

Go with the horse, or go with a nap?

I took Royal out the other day with the cart and we drove all around. She has such a nice road trot, she extends so pretty! It was exhilarating! then I was going to do the same thing the next day, but after doing errands in town, I came home and took a very long nap instead. My body is still having troubles adjusting from sleeping day to sleeping nights. So I took her out today for a ride looking for my cat, Toaster, who didn't come home this morning. He's been liking to go out these warmer nights and is always waiting to come in in the morning.

So that was an excuse to get the horse out. We rode the fence-line and the road-line, down a nearby dirt road and along the highway and past some neighbors who were in their yard. We visited for a while, but it was obvious that Royal didn't want to have anything to do with just standing in the rain. She wanted to go home! So on our way we went until we got to the horrid horse-eating yellow trash bags left in a pile by the side of the road by the volunteers who pick up the ditches. Horses must see yellow because I had another horse who was good everywhere, but when something yellow went by he was terrified! Roy was controllable, but we had to make our roundabout way around the trash bags! And then we stopped and got the mail on the way in the driveway. I don't like my horses thinking that once in the drive they're done, so we did a large detour around the field. Then once back at the hitching post what do I hear, but a drenched cat meow coming from under the porch. Toaster came and helped me untack and brush Royal down and  then was right behind the dog coming into the house.

So I had a nice ride in the rain and all my critters are where they're supposed to be. The dog by my feet and the cat curled up on top of the printer. Life is good!

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