Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm adopted!

Shame on people who abandon animals in the country. But thank you for my new dog, Molly. She's a joy! I figure she's about 6 months old. She loves kids, leaves the cat alone, and is subservient to the old dog I already have. And she's housebroke. I leave her loose in the yard when I go to town and she stays there waiting on the porch when I get home. She needs obedience training which I can and will do. When I'm outside Molly stays close by me. She loves to go for walks in the pasture and doesn't bother or even bark at the horses.

I've called or spoken to neighbors around here and no one recognizes her, so I'm pretty sure she was abandoned. Now that I've fed her and named her and she sleeps on the floor next to my bed, I'll be heartbroken if someone claims her. Beside what would I ever do with a 44# bag of Dog Food?! The Pom can't eat that much in a lifetime!


  1. Well, we could take the dog food off your hands if need be. But I doubt anyone will claim her! She's a sweet dog - good fit for you!
